Monday, January 3, 2000

3. The 1960 initiative

What usually happen when someone wants to start the City and District walking down the path of amalgamation is that opponents will deflect momentum by talking about studies, reports and other process issues.

You see this in 1960 when the process of commissioning a study was enough to torpedo the issue.

June 1960             Seven Management Consultants solicited for study proposals on amalgamation of City and District.

July 27/60              Meeting of City and District Councils to consider the seven bids, ranging from $4,300 to $29,600.  However, Mayor Angus and Reeve Frazer were authorized to ascertain whether Mr. C.A.P. Murison (former Reeve of North Cowichan and former President of U.B.C.M.) would undertake the study and report back.

Sept. 20/60           Mr. Murison’s proposal for two-part study at a cost of $5,000 (Part I) and $2,000 (Part II). 

                                The question of joint services was raised intermittently during the next few years but no action appears to have been taken with respect to the commissioning of a study or the holding of a referendum.

Saturday, January 1, 2000

2. The 1957 Committee

In 1957, when we still elected Reeves, a committee was founded to study amalgamation.  I will go going through the archives and old issues of the North Shore News to see if this achieved anything.

Oct. 23/57              Amalgamation Study Committee appointed by CDNV (Reeve S.E.F. MCCrea, Comptroller F.G. Saunders and Cr. M. M. Frazer).

1. The Division

In 1907, North Van was divided, as the story goes because the people in the City core wanted fancy big city  items like streetlights and those in the towns around the core did not.

Now Mayor Mussatto states that he would never approve of amalgamation as the District is not "progressive" enough.  In other words, he does not think they would vote for him as a NDP mayor.